
Pharmacology is a branch of medicine concerned with drug or medication action, where a drug may be defined as any artificial, natural, or endogenous molecule which exerts a biochemical or physiological effect on the cell, tissue, organ, or organism.

The department of Pharmacology studies about the mechanisms by which drugs alter biological systems in an attempt to improve health and alleviate disease.

  • Research

    S.No Project Title Department Principal Investigator & Designation Co-Investigators and Department
    01 Influenza Hospital-based Surveillance Study Pharmacology Dr. S. Vinay Kumar Department of Department of Microbiology, Department of General Medicine

    02 Pharmacogenetic determinants of 6-mercaptopurine toxicity and relapse in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia Pharmacology Dr. P. Dorababu Dr.G.Sadashivudu- NIMS & Dr. M. V. Sasidhar-AHERF

    03 Combinational effect of CYP3A5 and ABCB1(MDR1) genotypes on Tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in Indian Renal Transplant Recipients Pharmacology Dr. P. Dorababu Dr Somashekar, Department of Nephrology, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad

    04 A Proposal to Measure Storage-Temperatures at Local Pharmacies Pharmacology Dr. Prapthi Persis, Assistant Professor Dr. Deen Dayal Reddy – Dept of Bioethics,Dr. Dilip Mathai – Dept of General Medicine

    05 Evaluation of utility of genetic markers in drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in predicting the response and toxicity of Imatinib therapy in Indian chronic myeloid leukemia patients Pharmacology Dr. P. Dorababu, Assistant Professor Dr Anil Aribandi Department of Hematology and Oncology Care Hospitals and Dr. Chakradhara Rao S Uppugunduri, Department of Pediatrics (University of Geneva)Batigment Tulipe, Avenue De La Roseraie 64 Geneva, switzerland

    06 Determining Antihypertensive Drug-induced Electrolyte Abnormalities Pharmacology Dr. Sumana Sen, Professor & HOD Ms. Baseera Majid,Intern-2012 Batch

    07 A Study of Medication Errors & Rational Prescribing Pharmacology Dr. Sumana Sen, Professor & HOD Ms. Baseera Majid,Intern – 2012 Batch

    08 Active detection of adverse drug reactions in patients on Ant tubercular drugs under RNTCP through mobile health services Pharmacology Dr. Prapthi Persis Dr. B. Aruna Kumari- Associate professor

    09 Paper based rapid diagnostic method to detect SARS COV-2 Pharmacology Dr. Dora Babu, Associate Professor
    10 Extracellular vesicles (EVs) based non-invasive biomarkers for detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Pharmacology P Dorababu – Associate Professor