
This course explores the intricacies of structure and function and how body parts join to form a coherent and adaptable living being. The Anatomy Department at Apollo teaches anatomy using different modalities that emphasize concepts over memorization of facts.

Learning ensues in small groups to appreciate the association between structure and function. Emphasize body structure in anatomy interfaces with radiology, diagnostics, ultrasound, and physical exam findings. In close cooperation with the professors, a radiologist teaches the appearances of normal medical imaging. This cooperation stimulates the understanding of patient-specific gross anatomy.

  • Faculty

    Sl.No Facutly Name Designation Details
    1 MS.ASHIA SIDDIQUE Tutor Know more
    6 Dr K Sindhura TUTOR Know more
    9 dr. Suhas reddy TUTOR Know more
    10 Dr. archana donkada ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Know more
    11 Dr. taqiuddin mohammed ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Know more
    12 Dr. Shaik Jasmeen Vejir PROFESSOR & HOD Know more
    13 Dr. Saju Sinu Cherian PROFESSOR Know more
    14 Dr. Pari Plavi PROFESSOR Know more
  • Labs


    Dissection Laboratory

    Dissection and clinical cases introduce anatomical variation. Apollo’s dissection laboratory provides an opportunity for self-directed learning and 3-D awareness of anatomy. It allows haptic (based on a sense of touch) appreciation of 3-D anatomy, unlike any other teaching facility. Structures will be identified based on characteristics such as source, target, attachments, and/or relationship with other structures, not by rote. Teams of seven students will actively learn anatomy through dissection, discussion of clinical cases, palpation, and examination of prosected materials, radiographs, and cross-sectional images. Anatomy faculty will both give lectures designed to emphasize concepts, structure, and function and be present in the laboratory to give individualized assistance in the performing and understanding of the day’s dissection. Our students feel empowered to analyze, synthesize, and apply anatomy to the development of a clinical diagnosis crucial for patient care.

    Histology Lab (Virtual (E)- Histology)

    Structure Reveals Function

    Virtual Histology Slide Box teaches the visual art of recognizing the structure of cells and tissues derived from their function. All cellular function rests on the spatial and physiological place of the cells within tissues. Histology is the study of those tissues, their cellular composition, and the functional relationships of those cells. It enables students to predict and understand organ behavior and function. The course content is covered in lectures, small group laboratories, the examination of gross specimens and digitized glass slides, and in microscopic tutorials on multi-headed microscopes. The chronologic progression through the histology components is closely correlated with the regional anatomy being covered simultaneously in the Gross Anatomy unit. Students solve structural problems by analyzing data directly obtained with light (virtual) microscopic observations. Our virtual slide collection houses a large number of light microscopic (LM) images of the four basic tissues and the body’s major organ systems. The laboratory modules are designed to help students achieve two principal course objectives:
    Describe how cells divide, differentiate, and control their shapes and activities to produce basic tissue types. Explain how their microscopic characteristics produce the functions of these tissues and their specialized subtypes. Identify the histology and microscopic morphology of tissues and organs through the use of light and electron microscopy and discuss the functional aspects of the identified tissues. The ability to identify tissue abnormalities is a critical diagnostic tool and an irreplaceable field for the correct interpretation of clinical cases, their diagnosis, and prognosis.

  • Research

    S.No Project Title Department Principal Investigator & Designation Co-Investigators and Department
    01 Clinically Oriented Anatomy Teaching (COAT): An Approach for Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Undergraduate Medical Students Anatomy Dr. Saju B. Cherian, Dr. Mrudula, Dr. M. Rajneesh, Dr. Shababab – Department of Anatomy
    02 A Cluster Randomized Study to Determine the Effect of Bio- fortified Pearl millet on Hemoglobin concentration among Pre-school children in Urban Slums of Hyderabad-An Inter-professional Approach Anatomy Dr. on 03/03/2018 B. Cherian, Associate Professor Dr. Sairam Challa, Dr. Dilip Mathai, Dr. Mrudula. C, Dr. Snigdha Pattnaik, Dr. Vasundhara Tulasi, Mr. Binu Cherian
    03 Effectiveness And Perception Of Concept Maps In Learning Anatomy Among First Mbbs Students Anatomy Dr. C. Mrudula, Professor & HOD
    04 Perception of medical students of their educational environment Anatomy Dr. C. Mrudula
    05 Image Based, Gender Specific Analysis of Proximal Femoral Morphometry in South Indian Population Anatomy Dr. D. Chandi Priya, Asst Professor Dr. C. Mrudula, Professor and HOD, Dept of Anatomy, Dr. Moorthy NLN, HOD & Professor, Dept of Radiology
    06 Morphometric study of measurements of femoral and tibial condyles Anatomy Dr.Hajira Fatima, Assistant Professor C.Mrudula HOD &Professor, Department of Anatomy,Dr. Moorthi NLN, HOD &Professor Radiodiagnosis – AIMSR
  • Curriculum



    The goal of Undergraduate Anatomy is for student physicians to acquire the knowledge and language of anatomy necessary to practice medicine and facilitate discussion of problems and medical findings between colleagues. Patient specific gross anatomy is taught using different modalities that emphasize concepts over memorization of facts, as well as an appreciation of the association between structure and function.

    The gross anatomy unit is organized around a regional approach to anatomy, in consolidation with a systemic standpoint.

    The regional approach is divided into three sections:

    • Back, Shoulder Region, Upper Extremity and Thorax
    • Abdomen, Pelvis, Perineum, and Lower Extremity, and
    • Head and Neck.

    The unit is conducted by lectures and full-body dissection. In teams of 7, learners dissect, discuss clinical cases, palpate, and examine prosected materials, and cross-sectional images. Students grasp anatomical language necessary to discuss problems and medical findings between colleagues. Correlations with Radiology and Surgery are an integral part of the course and provide a real-world clinical context for the anatomic material.

    Clinicians will be involved both in and out of the dissection laboratory and reinforce anatomy through radiology, surgery, and clinical procedures. By the end of the course, student physicians will be empowered to analyze, synthesize, and apply clinically relevant anatomical information to the development of a clinical diagnosis essential for good patient care.

    ANATOMY PG (M.D Anatomy)

    Apollo’s Postgraduate Program in Anatomy prepares students for careers in research and teaching in the anatomical and life sciences, with emphasis on an integrative understanding of biological systems at levels ranging from the molecular to the organismal. The goal is to generate anatomists who will be competitive in the academic, industrial, and/or government job markets of the coming decades.

    In keeping with the diverse nature of current approaches included within the realm of Anatomy, the Postgraduate Program of Anatomy transcends traditional departmental boundaries. Students in the program complete a series of core Anatomy courses and other requirements and pursue research in the anatomy laboratory.

    The philosophy of the Postgraduate Program in Anatomy is to provide students with ample opportunities: to explore a broad range of topics within anatomy; to develop creative and critical thinking skills; to acquire technical expertise in the latest anatomical technologies, and to learn to become articulate communicators. Students have the flexibility to design programs that address individual strengths and weaknesses as they take advantage of these opportunities. They participate in teaching, graduate seminars, and in the departmental colloquium series.